Pilates & COre ALIGN & OOV


Pilates is known for enhancing the “core” abdominal muscles around the pelvis, but it is so much more. Pilates is a system of exercise integrating whole body movement patterns to develop over all body strength, stability, and flexibility. It is a movement integrated form of exercise that allows for the ability to provide assistance or resistance when needed. designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, and posture, and enhance mental awareness.

Why is this good for you? do you feel off? One shoulder higher than another, one hip more forward or longer? Pilates is about developing better patterns, and creating balance through the exposure of resistance and assistance exercises. It will point out weakness and challenge your body to make corrections. This improves healthy efficient movement, enhanced fitness, and leads to a greater quality of life. These exercises can be done in your home, office or clinical setting. A variety of special equipment can be used, such as the Reformer,Cadillac, Combo Chair, ladder barrel, spine corrector, foam roller, ball a mat or nothing at all!



The CoreAlign® program is a system designed to improve posture, dynamic balance, flexibility, strength and harmonious coordinated movement. Developed by a physical therapist, Jonathan Hoffman, CoreAlign® was created for the appreciated value of whole body movement and the complex interactions between stability and dynamic movement components required to live a functional active lifestyle.

Why do you need this? Similar to the Oov and Pilates integrated movement- yet there are a vast array of functional STANDING exercises. CoreAlign is a band loaded system with mobile carts that is used as an assessment and corrective exercise movement tool. Core Align provides subtle resistance in order to draw out the the appropriate activation of muscles. It is a means to connecting you upper body with the coordinated movement of your lower body by means of accessing trunk control ( Core Control)

Need this? YES!!!



The Oov is a unique three dimensional balance tool. This is an amazing piece of equipment provides feedback to your body in order to assist in the development of more efficient movement patterns. We use the Oov as a tool to assess, correct, control and enhance performance of a desired movement. It is a motor control tool that draws from your nervous system to train stability with mobility and enhance endurance and control.

Why is this important?

Do you have back pain when picking up an item off of the floor?

Do you constantly have a new injury on one side of your body?

Do you feel stiff at the beginning or end of your golf swing?

Do you look in the mirror in the morning and notice that one part of your abdominals are developed more than the other… or not?

These are all caused from inefficient movement patterns over a long period of time - your life! The body is a beautiful adaptable organ. It will find the path of least resistance to move forward. The Oov is one training tool that can assist in identifying those patterns and make a change in your movement - provide you with a healthy, happy movement lifestyle.