It is okay to change directions... most times, it is necessary!
Many times in life there is a need to change direction…jobs, relationships, habits…. and movement!
Our society is setting people up for a sedentary lifestyle. There is too much sitting in front of a computer, and too much on the phone, (aka small computer). Most schools are moving to a chrome book education system…more sitting on a computer at such a young age. A sedentary lifestyle leads to increased cardiovascular disease and overall decline in health.
Just Google “Sitting is the new smoking.”
How can I help?
Whether you are a person who is already exercising or one that would like to become more active, I can be your movement specialist who can enhance and connect you back to a more active lifestyle! How? We can implement a program to do in your home, at your office, or your gym. For more accountability, we can have weekly one on one training sessions with Pilates and/or functional movement training geared toward a specific athletic goal - all catered and flexible to your needs!
What is different working with Bree at Fortitude Physio & Movement? Many people have dysfunctional movement patterns… whether you are active or not. Examples of dysfunctional patterns are one hip higher than another; lateral shifting of the trunk to one side, scoliosis, one shoulder more forward than the other… and on and on…. These patterns lead to breakdown, bad posture, injury and pain.
YOU really want to correct and manage these issues to have greater longevity and independence in your life! As a physical therapist, I can help make this happen! I will be watching your movements and providing correction techniques to help you stabilize and strengthen efficiently. With a background in Athletic Training I can cater to a specific sport if you want to enhance your performance, or just be able to show up on the softball field with your friends! It is hard to sit on the sidelines and watch… so don’t!
Endless options!
Let’s connect and set some goals to start, resume, or enhance your active lifestyle!
With Fortitude in Movement Health,